Be A LARRS Sponsor and Make a Difference All Year!
Thank you to all of our dedicated LARRS Sponsors!
Being a LARRS Sponsor means a bunch to us, so, we’d like to give back to you for supporting our mission! Click on one of the levels below to find out what you'll get by being a LARRS Sponsor.

Oostburg Automotive
Fringe Benefits
Suzanne Grimm
Teresa Kohl
Jamie Merlo
Sponsor Levels
LARRS’ monthly expenses are growing with time as more and more animals are being placed in our care. Each animal we help receives veterinary care, proper diet, an enclosure or cage full of hides, toys and food and water dishes, and heat and special lighting where applicable. In addition to providing for the animals, our overhead costs include operating space, heat, water, electricity, printer ink, paper towels, printed materials and more. We need your help and support! Here's what you'll get by being a LARRS Sponsor:
Egg Level - $50 to $249 Annually
- Get your name or your company's name listed on our website
Chicks and Babies Level - $250 to $749 Annually
- Get your company's logo listed on our website
- Receive listing on any printed special events materials
Tweeters and Climbers Level - $750 to $1499 Annually
- Link your company's logo on our website to your company's website or Facebook page
- Receive listing on any printed special events materials
- Receive a spot on our "Wall of Sponsors" board
Big Birds and Reptiles Level - $1500 or More Annually
Receive everything listed under our Tweeters and Climbers Level plus:
Receive mention at all public speaking events, radio interviews, and in press releases
Listing on our traveling "Wall of Sponsors" board present at all public events
Leave your company materials at our location and let us help promote your business
Feathers and Scales Sponsor
Make a one-time Individual or Company donation and be a part of our Feathers and Scales sponsorship opportunity. Receive honorable mention on any printed materials for special events.